
Fibroids affect more than 70% of women worldwide at some point during their lives.

Fibroids are benign tumours found in the uterus.

You may not even know that you have one but some types of fibroid can cause pelvic pain and heavy and painful periods.

They can also cause prolonged bleeding and bleeding between periods.

Over time, this can result in iron deficiency anaemia which can cause symptoms such as low energy and hair loss.

Risk factors include race, genetics, vitamin D deficiency, smoking, and exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in products such as plastics, personal care products, pesticides, and clothing.


Vaginal ultrasound is used to make a diagnosis

Surgery to remove large fibroids is only undertaken if they are problematic. More often, they are monitored regularly for any changes.

Menopause can have a positive effect on fibroids as they are linked to levels of oestrogen and therefore often they shrink once oestrogen levels decline.

Here are 4 areas we work on with clients

Managing blood sugar and insulin levels

Support detoxification and clearance of oestrogen

Optimising gut health

Reducing inflammation