Ready to manage your hormonal symptoms and reclaim your best self?

Ready to cut the overwhelm and find out what could work for YOU? 

Here is YOUR personalised approach for mastering your hormone health 

Hi, I’m Gail. I’m a Nutritionist and Female Health Expert 

I help women who are struggling with their health and hormones to transform their lives and to feel their best  again as quickly and easily as possible.  

To find out more information about my services click here.

Why now?

If you are reading this, it is likely that your symptoms are affecting your quality of life. Maybe you have peri-menopausal symptoms that are worse than you had expected, or you are experiencing the pain of endometriosis, you have PMS or your periods are ruling your life.

You may feel overwhelmed by all the information out there about what to eat and which supplements to take.

Or, you may just feel that you need some extra support…

Whatever the reason I’m very glad that you found me!

We are all individuals and what works for you may not work for another. 

I am a female health expert. I have also experienced my own hormonal health journey with a hormone related condition   

If you are feeling tired and overwhelmed by the effects your hormones are having on your life AND you are ready to rebalance your health and your hormones and transform your life, you are in the right place. I can help you.

For an appointment, or arrange a FREE, no obligations, 20-minute call to discuss your needs click here 

You can also find out more about the services I offer on the services page of this website 

Watch my FREE video Are your hormones hijacking your health? My 3 Steps to regaining control of your health and hormones video WATCH HERE