An expanding waistline, may not just be about the types of foods that you eat, and when you eat, although that plays a part…
But it can also be about your lifestyle AND your changing hormones
1. Lack of quality sleep
Have you ever found yourself reaching for the biscuit tin or craving sweet foods after a poor night’s sleep?
This is because a lack of sleep, or a disrupted night’s sleep, can affect the balance of your hunger hormones…
AND this can lead to overeating, poorer food choices, and ultimately weight gain around the middle
2. Consistently high levels of stress = consistently high levels of stress hormones.
These hormones increase the amount of sugar available in your bloodstream…
If not used for energy this sugar will be stored as fat, often around your waistline
3. Your hormones – Fluctuating and declining levels of hormones in your forties and fifties (especially oestrogen) can lead to increases in appetite, and a decrease in muscle mass
Research has shown that there is also often a shift in where you store fat on your body with more fat being stored around your middle
Making changes to your diet AND your lifestyle can help you to manage these changes
If you can relate to this post and are ready to take action to make some changes, here is the link to book a free no-obligation 30-minute health review call