Feeling achy, with low mood and low energy? You could be in need of this…

Feeling achy, with low mood and low energy?

Could you be low in vitamin D?

If you live in the UK, it’s the time of year when many of us could do with a top up

Even if you are still managing to get outside, the sunlight at this time of year is often not strong enough to meet our needs

An easy finger prick blood test could help you to identify your current levels of vitamin D

The main source of vitamin D comes from direct sunlight (without sunscreen). By November in the UK, your levels are likely to be getting quite low. It’s difficult to get enough vitamin from your diet; eggs, mushrooms and oily fish provide small amounts

But its essential for health to have adequate levels

Vitamin D is actually a hormone which has many roles within the body, including protecting your bones, supporting your heart health and blood pressure and bolstering your immune system, supporting mood and energy level, muscle and joint health. All of which are particularly important during mid-life and menopause, so this is not something you want to leave to chance
The problem with vitamin D is that you can only store enough vitamin D for about 2 months. Your levels can also be decreased by stress…Some research has shown that up to 90% of people living in the UK are deficient in vitamin D!


I recommend testing first and if your levels are below 50iu, I suggest taking a supplement during the winter months. In the UK this would be between November – March, unless you are lucky enough to be spending a few weeks in the sun this winter! This should be the D3 form and not D2. Dosage will vary by product so follow the recommendations on the packaging.
Supplementing is easy with simple sprays and drops available
You are also need to make sure that you are eating a healthy diet to obtain adequate levels of other essential nutrients such as zinc, magnesium, vitamin K and vitamin A which support the use of vitamin D in the body.

The recommended dose depends on your levels of insufficiency so it is always best to test and seek the advice of a help care professional 😀

NB You should always check with your GP or health care provider before starting any new supplements
Too much vitamin D can be toxic but is quite rare (but another reason to test first)

IF you would like to find out more about how personalised nutrition and lifestyle could help you to regain control of your health and hormones watch my FREE video HERE